Adrianna Adarme
Adrianna Adarme
Hi! I’m Adrianna, the creator of food blog, A Cozy Kitchen. This blog is fuelled by copious amounts of hip-hop, sugar, butter and flour. I first started this blog when I was working a job that left to be desired in the creativity department. After a few years of plugging away, I was able to leave and now I do it full-time. YAY!
The recipes I love to make are ALWAYS comforting and cozy and often times are inspired by my Latin-American background. My mom is Peruvian and my dad is Colombian. You’ll find some traditional classics from both countries as well as a bunch of mash-ups that hopefully aren’t offensive (I was raised in the US, after all). Another thing you’ll find a lot of: pastries, cakes, breakfast stuff and lots and lots of pie.
In 2015, I released The Year of Cozy: 125 Recipes, Crafts & Other Homemade Adventures (Rodale). It was the most fun and exhausting experience ever and I loved every minute of it. And in 2016, I came out with a coloring cookbook called A Cozy Coloring Cookbook: 45 Recipes to Eat, Cook & Color. If you’d like to read about them more, hop on over to my Cookbooks Page.
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