Shaun Clouston
Shaun Clouston
A Platinum Beef + Lamb Ambassador and head chef at Logan Brown Restaurant, Shaun Clouston is a Kiwi culinary icon who has been producing spectacular cuisine for decades. Clouston started working at Logan and Brown in the late nineties and after a brief stint in Australia returned to become head chef and eventually a partner in the iconic Wellington restaurant.
Much can be said for Clouston’s dedication to classic, yet skillfully executed dishes. It is this attention to detail that produces consistently high-quality dishes - with proof found in the numerous awards Logan Brown has earned. In 2009, the restaurant won Cuisine Magazine’s coveted Supreme Winner, Restaurant of the Year and has been awarded Two Hats in the Cuisine Magazine Good Food Guide for the past three years in a row. Using nothing but the best local and seasonal ingredients, sourced from ethical and environmentally-friendly producers and suppliers, Clouston has carried this philosophy through to the popular Grill Meats Beer Restaurant opened in 2014.
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